Nicki Minaj Accused Of Mocking Lil Kim’s Album Sales On Twitter

22 October 2019, 15:42

Nicki Minaj's cryptic tweets lead fans to think she is shading Lil Kim's album sales
Nicki Minaj's cryptic tweets lead fans to think she is shading Lil Kim's album sales. Picture: Getty

Fans on Twitter have accused Nicki Minaj of throwing shade at Lil Kim's low album sales with cryptic tweets.

Nicki Minaj has been accused by fans of throwing shade at Lil Kim in a series of 'cryptic tweets'. The "Megatron" rapstress got called out for subliminally teasing Lil Kim's estimated album sales.

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According to ThatGrapeJuice, Lil Kim's latest album '9' is reported to have sold under 1,000 copies in the US. It also ranks as one of the lowest-selling albums in chart history, failing to impact the Billboard 200 in it's opening week.

Fans speculated that Nicki started to secretly diss Lil Kim for her low album sales on Twitter.

On Monday (Oct 21), Nicki Minaj tweeted "Ikyfl" and "Btch I-" which means (which means ‘I know you f–king lying’).Although it isn't clear what Nicki meant by the tweet, fans suggested that Nicki was addressing Lil Kim's bad news.

One fan wrote "lil krimlin album sales". Another Twitter user wrote "The GP really went in on Nicki Minaj for selling 185k first week & debuting at #2 w/Queen but they “Queen of Rap” Lil Kim sold less than 1K copies and didn’t even debut in the Top 20 and than Kim really thinks she still has a torch to pass? Nicki took that sh*t over a decade ago."

Another fan wrote "Yall dragging Lil Kim's sales like we in 1996. That lady is WELL outside her prime. And yes that album is trash but come on lol. None of the female rappers from the 90s are pushing any type of numbers in 2019".

See tweets below.

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