Pete Davidson unleashes explicit voicemail at PETA who slammed him for buying a dog over adopting
7 June 2023, 15:24

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Pete didn't hold back when sending a voicemail to PETA who accused him of buying instead of adopting a pet.
Pete Davidson left a scathing voicemail to animal charity PETA after they accused him of buying a dog instead of adopting.
The 29-year-old was seen picking up a new cavapoo dog in New York last week, and PETA released a statement slamming Pete for not adopting.
Now, Pete has responded and sent an explosive voicemail detailing his reasons for purchasing the new dog.
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Davidson directly addressed Senior Vice President of Cruelty Investigations Daphna Nachminovitch at PETA, who released the statement.
Part of the statement read that "It's tragic that Pete didn’t seek out a borough-born mutt from a city animal shelter, because a scrappy New Yorker with charm, personality, and unconventional handsomeness could have been his perfect match."
Pete then replied: "Thank you so much for making comments publicly that I didn't adopt a dog. I just want to let you know I am severely allergic to dogs so I have to get a specific breed."
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He then explained that the new pet was for his mother whose dog had just passed away at the age of 2.
"So why don’t you do your research before you f****** create news stories for people because you’re boring..." Pete continued.
He angrily ended the message with "F*** and suck my d***."

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