Watch This Kid's Inspirational Cover Of Eminem’s ‘Not Afraid’
23 February 2016, 12:45 | Updated: 23 March 2017, 12:35

He hopes to meet his "idol" Eminem.
A 12-year-old kid from the US is quickly going viral after he released an incredible cover of Eminem’s ‘Not Afraid’ – owning it from production, to singing and even rapping.
Sparsh Shah, who is bound to a wheelchair, showed off his amazing musical talent – with the hope of one day meeting his “idol” Eminem.
“He has inspired me so much with his powerful songs and lyrics (minus curses), and I aspire that one day, I could get to meet him and sing (or rap!) with him,” he said.
He continued: “It's always been my dream to inspire BILLIONS of people one day with my musical talent, and I wish that dream comes true.”
Watch the inspirational video above.